Thomas Hardy and Sylvia Townsend Warner: Wessex Writers

A Joint Study Weekend between the Sylvia Townsend Warner Society and the Thomas Hardy Society

From 09:30, Saturday 10th February until 17:00, Sunday 11th February 2024 

At Dorchester Library, South Walks House, Charles St, DT1 1EE

Although not born in Dorset, the author and poet Sylvia Townsend Warner fell in love with the county when she visited Chaldon Herring and the surrounding area in the 1920s. The weekend will consider Hardy and Warner’s writing against the backdrop of a Wessex Landscape. Speakers will include Professor Jan Montefiore, Professor Peter Swaab and Mark Damon Chutter.                

Book Tickets Here    Detailed Programme Here

  • £40 Non-Members
  • £35 Members
  • £30 Students


There will be a three-course meal (£35) served in the evening in the Casterbridge Room, King’s Arms, Dorchester. Please contact Kings Arms to book directly on 01305 234 234.