Sylvia Townsend Warner Society Annual General Meeting

The 2024 Society AGM will take place on 11th May at 11.15 a.m.

At The Learning Room, Shire Hall, High W St, Dorchester DT1 1UY

And on Zoom:   Meeting ID: 937 9143 2697

All members are welcome, in person or online. Please contact the Chair, Janet Montefiore, to let her know you are coming. 

  1. Minutes of 2023 AGM
  2. Matters arising:
    • Mary Jacobs Essay Prize Report
    • Changing subscription downwards?
    • Changing AGM venue to online?
  3. Reports from Chair, Journal Editor, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and verbal report from Web Editor.
  4. ‘Sheroes’ project in Dorchester to put up statue of eminent Dorset woman
  5. The biennial Sylvia Townsend Warner Lecture for 2025: nominating lecturer
  6. Proposed online group reading(s) of works by STW
  7. Society trip to Norfolk in 2025?
  8. A.O.B.